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You can read free books of Authors Govardhanram Tripathi, Gijubhai Badheka, Javerchand Meghani, Ramanbhai Nilkanth, Kalapi, Ramanlal Desai, Nandshankar Maheta, Mahatma Gandhi, Nanalal,Chunilal Madiya, Dalpatram and many more...
Books available Karan ghelo, Katch no kartikey,Kurbani ni kathao, Saurashtra ni Rasdhar, Sorath Tara Vehta Pani,Gujarat no jay, Tulsi kyaro, Bhadram bhadra, Diwaswapn, Meghani ni Navlikao, Satya na prayogo, Mansai na diwa, Sorathi Baharvatiya, Saraswatichandra and mani more under categories like
Navalkatha, Navlika, Lok katha, Jivan charitra, bal varta, Kavya sangrah, Pravas, Natak etc..